About / Services

So you want to know more? No bad thing. Curiosity drives my life a lot of the time too.

First off, I’m British and based in the UK, but I’m happy to work with English speakers around the world. Time zone differences and currency conversions aren’t a problem!

So, what services are available at LHAWriter for you?

My Virtual Assistant (VA) service specialties are:
– Email Inbox Management (Outlook and Gmail)
– Data Entry (mainly Excel but some experience of SAP Business One)
– Creating and maintaining spreadsheets (mostly Excel but some Google sheets experience)

Other Virtual Assistant (VA) services I can help with:
– Word processing
– Data sorting
– Internet research
– Some general admin (not telephone work or meeting minutes)
– Moderating blog comments
– Replying to and managing Customer Service emails

Separate non-VA services I can offer are:
– Proofreading
– Writing and scheduling blog posts (WordPress)
– Content repurposing for social media
– Facebook Page and Group management – admin and moderation
– Community engagement such as forum contribution and moderation
– Website content analysis
These are outside of the stated VA package rates and will be quoted separately.

My work for you can be as follows:
– One off sessions / ad-hoc VA work: priced per hour
– Project-based (e.g. a series of blog posts): priced per project
– Monthly VA packages: fixed price for set number of hours
– Retainer packages: for social media (separate to above)
– Fixed term contracts

All can be tailored to suit you, the business owner.

In previous roles I have managed an email Inbox for a team of four people in a Commercial department of a logistics company, updated price lists of over 2000 products individually for a Catering Supplies company, and made regular amendments to pricing for stock in an EU warehouse due to currency fluctuation.

I have also handled the operations, comms, input and preparation for invoicing of financials for FCLs, for a freight forwarding company importing alcohol for major supermarkets. Sadly I never saw any of the alcohol, but it was a huge satisfaction to see the wine on the shelves in the supermarket and to know I’d done my bit to get it there!

I pride myself on my accuracy and attention to detail, even when under pressure.

A previous employer actually complained about me because I was getting through the data entry work quicker than he could supply it – and asked me to try to slow down! It didn’t work; I was enjoying myself so much I just flew through it.

The right fit, and the right work, are critical in my opinion.

For more info and to book an initial consultation, please email

My emails are always open during my normal business hours: 08:00 to 18:00 UK time Monday to Thursday and 08:00 to 12:00 UK time Friday, so I’ll get back to you as fast as I can. Outside of these hours I’ll respond ASAP during my next working day.

Click the button below. You can also contact me via WhatsApp message during UK business hours (the green button bottom right).

I offer a complimentary 30-60 minute consultation, to discover how I can help your business, and if we’d be a good fit together.

Thanks for your interest!

Best wishes,



Click one of our contacts below to chat on WhatsApp

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