Woo-woo Wednesday

My tarot cards are too big to shuffle! What can I do??? LOL yep you read that right. I have small hands. My palms are only 3 inches wide and I have short fingers too. So standard-ish size tarot cards of 3 x 4 inches are just too damn big to get to grips with.… Continue reading Woo-woo Wednesday

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Seedling Sunday

I happily admit to being a fair-weather gardener. If it’s cold, no chance. If it’s raining, I’d rather not, thanks. From spring to late summer I’m happy to be involved in the garden, but there’s been an awful lot of rain this summer in the UK so I’ve not been so interested. Which has left… Continue reading Seedling Sunday

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Wednesday = Womance?

So… yes I know it looks silly. And yes, I know romance begins with the letter R. But a dear friend, also a writer, inspired me to start a series of wine romance stories. And my brain, being the quirky thing it is, came up with posting them midweek and calling them Womance Wednesdays. It’s… Continue reading Wednesday = Womance?

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Mental Health Monday – 17/7/23

I hit rock bottom last week. I literally sat in the middle of my living room floor, in tears, and said “I can’t carry on like this.” The anxiety. Brain fog. Lack of interest in… well, anything. Loss of confidence. Indecision. Amongst other things. Perimenopause symptoms had increased beyond what I could tolerate, and I’d… Continue reading Mental Health Monday – 17/7/23

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Schedule of Works

It’s proving a little bit harder than I thought to get this started. I keep coming up with different themes for different days of the week. I won’t just be writing about one thing – I need more variety than that. Should Mondays be for motivation, or menopause stuff? Or some sort of mission? Tuesdays… Continue reading Schedule of Works

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