Schedule of Works

It’s proving a little bit harder than I thought to get this started. I keep coming up with different themes for different days of the week. I won’t just be writing about one thing – I need more variety than that.

Should Mondays be for motivation, or menopause stuff? Or some sort of mission?
Tuesdays for Tarot? (I like the sound of Tarot Tuesday)
Wine on Wednesday? Sounds more interesting than work…
Thursday… mmm not sure yet. Maybe a free day if I can’t come up with anything beginning with T or Th. Unless I come up with something else for Wednesday then I could have Thirsty Thursday and do the wine stuff.
Freedom Friday – not decided what that should encompass just yet, could be work-related stuff to give freedom to me or others.
Silly Saturday – anything goes as long as it’s funny or daft.

I won’t be writing every day, but I think it’s a good idea to have a framework for when I want to write. The Wednesday (wine) and Friday content will be suitable for LinkedIn.

(Edited to add: BTW although the site’s live the URL wasn’t out there when I wrote this because I hadn’t given it to anyone. So if you were actually reading this in July 2023, it’s a sneak preview.)


  1. Lindsay, I absolutely love this! It is so you! So Whimsical! It gave me a pause and a fresh breath with a gentle soul laugh. I want to see more of the same.

  2. Loving the idea of having a theme for each day. Particularly interested learning more about tarot. And wine is always fun 😁. Maybe Thankful Thursday? Something you’re grateful for that week, or something that’s made your life easier that others could benefit from. Or Thoughtful Thursday if you wanna get more esoteric and riff off of a quote you like. Look forward to reading more.

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